Monday, May 9, 2016



Everyday she passes through my quarters  

With her league of  picturesque  Virgins 

And her royal apparent 

She steadily and majestically admired her ways

Smile and fun proceeded from her face

With her expensive oil of Apothecary

That set the atmosphere with cool cloud 

Pure fragrance  with sweet spices

The host of heaven cannot but looked down

And the mighty legends of earth will not but turn sideway

Highly distinguish in word and in smile
My lady of Baltimore.

The Princess of a Merchant

If I so find favour in your sight

Can I have a single moment with you

I want to tell you how beautiful you are to Nature

I want to tell you how the Farmer’s boys tremble at your speeches 

That your words make all in captive 

And how  they maneuver to see your stunning face

They said you are the most Precious thing that worth dying for

The inner beauty that is priceless seeking for

That being a captive of yours worth more than a freedom from a friend

Slavery that worth more than a servant

Oh did I skip a word

They said they rather have you or no one else.

As for me!

I concluded

If there are Kingdoms higher than mine

If there are Precious things more in value than my royalty

And if there are worth more than being a Prince

I will think of  you first

The Princess of a Merchant 

Inspired from Ese



Precept upon precept
Line upon line
Little by little
Miles upon miles
And now am there

Joy unlimited
Unfading beauty
Litmus of sanity
Peace on serenity
Spring of wealth
My people of Osun

One man say to another
Let us go to the great state
Where all their daughters are majesty
One with them is a replacement for many
For the time of sorrow they will comfort you
They are the lifter for your making
My people of Osun


 The soul mate of my people
The most prefer of my kinsmen
And the most adore of my brethren
They said life with them is simple
They are home builder and human lifter
One man to many is peaceful
How much more is one man to one
It is a  life  in paradise
The daughter  of  Osun

Wrath cannot be found in the place of their human
My Joy resound when I find myself in their heart
They are a  life refreshing to soul
What a supernatural being to fall in love with
Their dark can be adorable
Their fairness is splendor
Right home fashion
Beauty that subject the heart
Act of an angel like
Their product is a replicate of their good deed
The daughter  of Osun

That daughter proved people wrong
They said she not a woman  worth
She is just one in a million
A spotting Judas in the midst of saints
Give it a trial for another
If things remain the same
Then check your ways
Maybe she has not found a place in you
Maybe your true colour is hiding
Maybe your ways are unpredictable
The daughter  of  Osun

Care for them and reap the multiple of your cares
Cherish them and harvest the abundance of your labours
Say the sweet word that makes their soul rejoice
Tell her she's an angel
Tell her she's the subject of your heart
Tell her she's priceless
Tell her that she's a gems of immeasurable beauty
Tell her that she all you have in heaven and earth
Then come back and tell me how good are your days
You will see that there is a reward in praising them
The daughter  of  Osun.
Composed By Oluwajohnson
Inspired From  The Act Of Osun  Women